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Should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay

Should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay

should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay

According to the above arguments, the legalization of marijuana would bring significant benefits to both humans and the environment. When the use of marijuana for medical purposes is The usage of marijuana as a painkiller could fix this situation—at least partially; according to one NIDA-funded study, there is a connection between medical marijuana legalization and the In conclusion, many people feel like it is not okay to legalise pot. When used in an environment that is not medically controlled, pot can affect the mental health of those who misuse it. The

Should We Legalize Marijuana For Medical Use? - Words | Critical Writing Example

Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus. Marijuana Cannabis Sativa gets its name from the Spanish word marihuana, should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay. The first time for marijuana to be used was init came from hemp, an Asian herb, should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay. The leaves of the plant can be smoked to cause intoxication to the patient. Many people have fought against the legalization of marijuana for medical use since the use of the drug began to spread among the people.

A lot of research shows that marijuana has a positive effect on the society in America. The great number of people who say that marijuana should not be legalized do so because they assume that it cannot have any good effects on the society. The fact is that they do this without having considered both sides of the debate. Although it is true that legalizing marijuana can be the cause of many crimes and injuries, the benefits that could come from it if it is authorized for use as medicine would outweigh those disadvantages. This essay aims at persuading law makers in the United Sates to make the use of marijuana for should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay medical purposes legal.

Marijuana has been with us for many years. Many people support the proposition that marijuana should be made legal for medicinal purposes. There are many reasons why these people do this. One such a reason is that marijuana has shown a high efficacy in the management of medical conditions. In the United States, 20 states have legalized the medical should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay of marijuana Ferner The first retail stores for Marijuana in Colorado were opened for the sale of Marijuana to people who have attained the age of 21 years or higher. There are still other countries where the use of medical marijuana has been legalized. Canada is one such a country. Since its legalization, should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay, the Canadian Medical Association CMA has reported a number of testimonies showing the success of use of marijuana as medication, should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay.

One testimony is that of Pariseau, a yaer-old AIDS patient. Before starting using medical marijuana, Pariseau could keep neither food nor medication in his system. Use of marijuana as medicine can help alleviate pain alongside other health benefits. In addition, there are no proven disadvantages that are associated with the use of marijuana as medicine Barnes, Unlike some other drugs, should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay, marijuana used for medical purposes is not addictive. No research has ever shown that marijuana is an addictive drug- people simply use it to please themselves. Marijuana is a herbal drug that can be obtained naturally.

Marijuana has not shown any long term effects on the cognitive processes of the individual. The only effects occur only for a short time after intoxication, but the brain is not damaged by this in any way. The people who protest the use of marijuana for medication think of economic relief. They have brought the topic of economic relief from the legalization of marijuana many times. If we take a look at the current problems that the economy of the United Sates is facing, we realize that legalizing medical marijuana has the potential to help boost our economy, should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay.

Since many Americans will now be free to use the herb, it is likely to funnel money into our economy. The history of the United States has seen similar incidences before. In the prohibition, the bootleggers issue resembles the one on marijuana. At that time, when the government lifted the ban on alcohol, more money came back into the economy. Although the use of marijuana should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay be legalized, it goes without saying that the use of marijuana needs to be regulated. Just like on cigarettes and alcohol, laws should be made to regulate the use of marijuana once it is made legal for medical use.

smokers should not operate machines. Also, smoking at the place of work should call for firing just like drinking would. Though the feelings of people on this subject are mixed, quite a large number of people believe that marijuana is harmless. The legislators should look at the fact that marijuana makes one to be relaxed and less motivated. This would somehow link to the effect that it would have on the workforce and businesses in general. Lawmakers have to make laws that will govern how businesses that plan to sell only marijuana should operate- they have to determine its use and how much the business owner is going to be taxed for selling marijuana. The natural herb could generate a lot of money for the economy if the right infrastructure were laid down showing how the drug should be used.

Therefore, lawmakers should regulate the use and the sales of the drug. Legalizing marijuana at the federal level would give a large new stream of revenue. Although it may not be possible to know the size of the market for marijuana now and what may happen to the demand and the price for the drug under different legalization levels, we know that the legalization can cause a positive effect on the revenue income and the tax from sales Ferner, The economic benefits of marijuana legalization are not only from taxes- both the local and state governments would save a lot of money that is being spend currently on the regulation of the use of marijuana. Colorado and Washington states which have made it legal to use marijuana for medical purposes will serve as the testers for the other states when it comes to the possible positive effect on the economy of the whole country if all the states make it legal to use marijuana in treatment of diseases.

Marijuana legalization, nonetheless, should be made for use as medication and also be allowed for sale in retail shops so that if one person needs to use this medication but cannot get it from the hospital because it is so expensive there that they cannot afford it, they can obtain cheaper options from the dealers and stores to manage their conditions. Although there are states that have legalized the use of marijuana as medication and have allowed people who possess the permit to sell it to the public, the laws that allow for this in such states have been ruled out by the federal government as being unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Majority of the people in America favor the use of marijuana for medical purposes and have expresses should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay support by voting.

However, the Drug Enforcement Administration still can arrest and impose charges on any people who are aught trading in this substance in accordance with the act that deals with controlled substances CSA. The laws that are in place in the United States are not in support of the demands of the people. This shows that more people are involved in the use of marijuana than the records show. The problem therefore comes in that while the substance is being sold and used all over the country, nothing comes from it in terms of income tax to help in boosting the economy of the country. Just like all controversial topics, there are opponents. The first point presented by the opponents is that when smoked, marijuana causes a number of side effects- stunted growth and cancer.

However, smoking is not the only way in which marijuana can be taken, one can take it orally or intravenously. These methods of administration will get rid of the problems associated with smoking the drug. Another claim they make is that despite being natural, hemp has harmful chemicals that can damage the user. They claim that THC that is contained in marijuana is harmful to the body. They favor the use of Marinol which also contains THC. In addition, technology can be used to separate the compounds present in the plant, it can also be used to remove he chemicals that are toxic and breed plants that do not have the chemical.

The opponents also claim that the use of marijuana also results in abstinent effects. These studies claim that no clearly defined relationship has been found between the use of marijuana and rates of addiction. According to drugabuse. gov, the use of marijuana does not cause the individual to use other drugs and there are very few withdrawal symptoms associated with marijuana. It is therefore evident that the claims of the opponents are not based on facts and therefore they are not valid. It does not seem reasonable that an herb that has been used by people since time immemorial because of its medicinal value has been made legal in the past few years just because of the people who have used it as a narcotic to harm their bodies.

It is true to say that marijuana is not abused as much as other opium-derived drugs that are legal like ketamine and oxycodone. It is therefore unfair that marijuana, which is more valuable as medicine, is illegal while these other drugs are legal and are sold all over the country freely. In conclusion, Marijuana is a very efficacious drug for medical use and therefore it needs to be legalized. We should stop grouping marijuana, a useful drug, with narcotics such as heroin and cocaine, it should instead be grouped together with other drugs that are used for the management of serious health conditions such as Adderall.

Legalizing marijuana will boost the economy of our country by creating jobs to thousands of people in the United Sates who would otherwise be economically unproductive. My research shows that the positive effects of legalizing marijuana by far outweigh the negative impacts that could arise. Besides boosting the economy and keeping it strong, it can be used to manage health conditions that have previously been difficult to manage. Whether it is made legal or it remains illegal, people will still use it. Research has shown that the illegal drug whose use is commonest is marijuana. All the fifty states in the United States of America should legalize marijuana to help out people who are struggling with medical conditions that can seriously damage their health if not treated and which can be managed effectively by the use of marijuana.

Marijuana can replace many things that are harmful to the environment should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay thus help to save the environment. There would be a tremendous decrease in violence and crime. Although a lot of people think that marijuana is harmful, I believe it can really help our society in this time of need. StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search. Home Knowledge Base Popular Essay Topics Legalizing Medical Marijuana Argumentative Essay. Was this material helpful? Yes No. About StudySaurus Community. error: Content is protected!!

One Minute Essay Topic: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Legalizing Medical Marijuana Essay (A+ Argumentative Essay)

should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay

In the United States, marijuana is legal for medical use in twenty states and more will follow suit. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, American people for its medicinal value used California and Arizona may be the only states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes, but they are not the only states that have considered the legalization of medicinal It is estimated that Washington will generate up to $ billion in a period of five years because it made marijuana legal. Marijuana legalization, nonetheless, should be made for use as

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